ARATA is a national association whose purpose is to serve as a forum for information sharing and liaison between people who are involved with the use, prescription, customisation, supply and ongoing support of assistive technology.

Our focus is the advancement of rehabilitation and assistive technology in Australia, through activities including conferences, special interest groups, website, listserver, membership directory and a newsletter.

ARATA participation through technology - download flyer.


ARATA is a founding member of the Global Alliance of Assistive Technology Organisations (GAATO).  GAATO is a non-profit informal association of legally established membership organisations from different countries or world regions.  Our mission is to advance the field of assistive technology (AT) and rehabilitation engineering (RE) to benefit people with disabilities and functional limitations of all ages.  The Alliance is committed to the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

ARATA is also a member of the Coalition on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology in Asia (CREATE Asia), aiming to facilitate the advancement of Rehabilitation (RE) and Assistive Technologies (AT) and promote the adoption of these technologies by the people of Asia. Fellow signatories include AT and RE services in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand.

Coming Events

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Early Childhood Assistive Technology

25 July 2024 - 25 July 2024
3.00pm AEST - 5.00pm AEST

NDIS early childhood assistive technology update and guest presentation by Dr Barend ter Haar from BES Healthcare (UK)

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2024 Australian Assistive Technology Conference

06 November 2024 - 08 November 2024

SAVE THE DATE for ARATA's biannual conference #AATC2024 - The Australian Assistive Technology Conference!

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AATC2024 Update

17 June 2024

We look forward to seeing you at the most accessible AATC yet!


Happy inaugural World Day for Assistive Technology

04 June 2024

Today is the inaugural World Day for Assistive Technology and I can't think of a better day to celebrate our great assistive technology community of practice.


Introducing our new Board members

06 May 2024

Thank you for the response to our recent call for Expression of Interest (EOI) submissions to fill the two casual vacancies on the ARATA Board. We are delighted to announce the Board has appointed Erin Georgiou and Dr Petra Karlsson PhD.


Accessible Gaming Special Interest Group

23 April 2024

We would like to welcome ARATA Member and experienced AT advisor Jayden Dunn as a SIG committee member who will be assisting with planning and organising SIG activities. Jayden was instrumental in starting the conversation that got the SIG up and running, and we welcome his contributions to the group.


Lived Experience Engagement

23 April 2024

ARATA has assistive technology user lived experience expertise within our Board Membership and is committed to growing that capacity, and enhancing assistive technology user insights to our highest level of decision making in ARATA.
